Monday, 27 July 2015

Life Hacks - 2

     In my first post Life Hacks - 1, I came up with a trick that would help you to look clearly in sunlight and face the sun and now I would like to share the same trick to see yourself clearly in dark.

Here is the hack!

     As I said earlier that our eyes adapt well to the situation we face but it needs some time, Yes cover your left or right eye with a patch for about 30 minutes and as soon as you enter the dark room shift the patch to the other eye now you can be able to see things clearly even in a darker place as if you where in daylight. The time that our eyes adapt to the darkness will take more than adaptation to sunlight but you can clearly get pass through in all situations.

Life Hacks - 1

Ever wondered why can't you suddenly face sunlight when you where out from a darker place or you couldn't face the sun or you couldn't give a funky pose with your eyes open when you are standing straight opposite to sun?

Here is a hack!! 

Yes,  you can able to give a pose or look back at sun or blah blah ... by doing this simple trick.

Just close your eyes and face the sunlight  for about 30 or more and then slowly open your eyes facing it,  you will be able to look clearly than before. This is because our eyes will adapt to the situation we are facing but it needs some time to take so by exposing our eyes to sunlight with eyelids closed will make them adapt to that situation hence we will be able to look clearly.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Back With A Bang

Hai my dear blog readers am back , will post info's daily :-)

Friday, 17 July 2015

Video Edit By Me
This is a mashup try by me please watch it and do comment the flaws or anything you think off so that i can improve my skills